Why is it important to use coaching skills if you want to be an effective manager? Because when people get the coaching they need, they perform better. Managers who provide day-to-day coaching have more effective teams, grow and retain their key people, and experience higher productivity overall. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Over the years when I’ve asked people to describe their best boss ever, they often say it was a manager who helped them be successful in their role through coaching. It is important to set clear goals with your people, but it is critical to then use coaching skills such as
- asking what they need from you to reach their goals,
- listening with the intent to learn, and
- working closely together to solve problems.
Coaching is the key to building a trusting work environment and improving the competency of your staff. Remember, your most important job as a manager is to help your people succeed.
In the short video below I share a story of how, as a college professor, I used coaching skills to help students get an A in my course.
Please give coaching a try. I know when you make coaching a priority, you’ll help your staff improve performance levels.