It’s time again to think about New Year’s resolutions. I like to picture myself sitting here one year from today, looking back on 2012 and smiling because I’ve accomplished two or three things that I wanted to accomplish over the year. I’m patting myself on the back!
So what would you like to do between now and then? Now you’re going to obviously have some goals in terms of your job and your organization, but what about you personally? What about your weight? Your exercise? Your health? What about learning a new language, like Spanish or Chinese? What about improving your organizational skills? What about writing something that you’ve wanted to write for a long time? What would really make you feel good if you accomplished it by the end of next year?
It’s great to write out your resolutions as SMART goals. Be Specific on what you want so that it’s observable and measurable. M stands for motivational—make sure it’s something that excites you. Is it Attainable? Don’t set some unrealistic goal that there’s no chance you’ll accomplish. Make sure your goal is Relevant and important to you. And have a goal that is Trackable, which means you can chart it over time so you can catch yourself doing things approximately right and see yourself making progress.
I have found that I do best on New Year’s Resolutions if I share them with my wife Margie and people at work, and anybody else who is around me, so they can help and support me. We all need an accountability group to help set ourselves up for success.
So in the next few days I’ll be thinking more about what I would like to accomplish that’s going to make me feel good. What would you like to do? How do you want 2012 to go for you? Let’s see if we can help each other keep our commitment to our commitment. So often New Year’s Resolutions are just announcements. Don’t just announce it; really make it happen! And good on you for 2012!
Lastly, I’ve posted a few of my resolutions for 2012… take a read, and let everyone know a few of your own!