You know, I was thinking the other day about how in the news they are saying that we’ve got this problem and that problem… I’ll never forget when I worked with Norman Vincent Peale and he told this story. He was walking down the street one day and he saw his old friend, George. He said to George, “How are you doing?” Norman said he meant it as a casual greeting, but George took it as an opportunity. Twenty minutes later, Norman said, George dropped his last problem at Norman’s feet. Then George said, “Norman, it’s problems, problems, problems. If you could only solve all my problems, I would write a check right this moment for $5,000 for your church.”
Norman said he could never turn down such an opportunity and a challenge, so he meditated and cogitated and agitated. Then he said, “George, I was just at an organization yesterday where no one there has a problem. Would you like to go there?” And George said, “Absolutely! That’s where I want to be, Norman.” And Norman said, “Well good, George, tomorrow we’ll go to Woodlawn Cemetery. Because people who are dead don’t have problems.” Norman always said that if you don’t have any problems, race home, run into the house, run into the bedroom, get on your knees, and say, “Good Lord, send me some problems! What’s going on? Don’t you like me anymore?”
So you know, there’s always a different perspective on things. And remember, problems are a way of life, and if we hang in there together, maybe we can solve them.