After nearly three years of not physically meeting together, our whole company recently gathered at the Mission Bay Resort in San Diego. What a wonderful time we had! Although our entire company meets regularly on Zoom, the leadership team felt it was important for all our associates from around the world to come together in […]
Embracing Diversity
I learned about the advantages of diversity very early in life. Back in grade school in the 1950s I attended Roosevelt Elementary in New Rochelle, New York, which was a predominantly Jewish school. In junior high Roosevelt merged with Lincoln Elementary, which was about 95 percent black. (It’s now called Albert Leonard Middle School.) Being […]
Ask Empowering Questions
Most of us—even millennials—have a history of working under guidance and control at school and in our workplaces. Therefore, we tend to think of authority as external rather than internal. The following questions are all too familiar to us: At school: “What does the teacher want me to do to get good grades?” At work: […]
Greetings from a Servant Leader
“Good morning everyone, this is Ken. It’s a little bit after eight o’clock in San Diego, California….” That’s an example of the way I begin my morning message that goes out to most of the people in our company every weekday morning. I’ve been doing it for the better part of 20 years now! When folks outside […]