I was talking with some friends at a recent morning men’s group. Our focus was on the importance of being connected to other people and what it means. We came up with five things we think help you really get connected to others—at work, and in all aspects of life. How would you rate yourself in these five areas?
- Listen more than you speak. We talked about listening a lot. If God wanted you to speak more than listen, he would have given you two mouths!
- Praise other people’s efforts. This one has always been so important to me. Catch people doing things right. That really helps you get connected with people.
- Show interest in others. It’s not all about you. Find out about people and their families and learn about what’s happening in their lives.
- Be willing to share about yourself. In our book Lead with LUV, my coauthor and former Southwest Airlines president Colleen Barrett said that people admire your skills but they really love your vulnerability. Are you willing to share about yourself? I think being vulnerable with people is really important.
- Ask for input from others—ask people to help you. People really feel connected if they can be of help to you.
As a leader, there are many skills you need to develop but building relationships is the most important thing. What can you do this week to listen more, praise other people’s efforts more, show interest in others, share about yourself and ask for input? Give it a try. You’ll be surprised at the difference it makes in your ability to connect with others!