As a leader, you should never start thinking that leadership is all about you. When things go well, a great leader doesn’t look in the mirror and pound himself or herself on the chest and say, “Aren’t I fabulous?” A great leader looks out the window and gives other people the credit. Get your ego […]
Is Conflict at Work Ever a Good Thing?
Many people assume that conflict in the workplace is always bad. But I think there are times when conflict is good—because if everybody always has the same opinion about everything, somebody’s not needed around here! I love to gather a team around me where people have different opinions and feel free to disagree with each […]
What do you do with a high performing employee whose values don’t line up with the organization?
It’s just a fact of human nature – Not everyone has the same set of values. But what should you do if you discover that one of your high performers is a values mismatch with your organization? There are two aspects to evaluating people: One is performance and the other is citizenship—whether people are operating […]
My boss acts like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Another big question that I get all the time… What do you do if you have an unpredictable boss—where you never know who’s going to show up? One day he’s upbeat and happy and thinks you’re great, and the next day you feel like you’re dealing with an ogre. I suggest two things: The first […]
What Does ‘Lead with LUV’ Mean?
Points of Power Can Help Self Leadership
The concept of power in the workforce has a negative connotation. It brings to mind such associations as coercion, manipulation, and even corruption. This does not have to be the case. Power has many positive aspects, and everyone can learn to explore and harness different sources of the individual power they have in the workplace. […]
Lead with LUV – Test for Humor
Lead with LUV – We’ll Miss You
What, Exactly, Is Servant Leadership?
At The Ken Blanchard Companies, most of our work in the past focused on leader behavior and how to improve leadership style and methods. We attempted to change leaders from the outside. But through the years we have become convinced that effective leadership starts with self perception—it’s an inside job. It is a question of […]
Managing Through the Holidays
The holiday season presents some different challenges for leaders. Here is some advice I’ve found can help you to get the most out of this special time. Get in the holiday spirit. It’s important for leaders to get into the holiday spirit. It’s a wonderful time of the year when people want to feel good […]