(This is the sixth installment in my twelve-part blog series A Leadership Vision for America) In the past several weeks, I have gone into detail about the first secret our government leaders need to know to improve our system in Washington: Have a compelling vision. For a compelling vision to endure, all three elements—a significant purpose, […]
Do America’s Leaders Have Any Agreed-Upon Values?
(This is the fifth installment in my twelve-part blog series A Leadership Vision for America) Our leaders in Washington first need a compelling vision if they are going to move this country in a positive direction. In recent posts I’ve covered two elements of a compelling vision: A significant purpose—what business we are in as a […]
What is America’s picture of the future?
(This is the fourth installment in my twelve-part blog series A Leadership Vision for America) Last time, as part of my thoughts on what we can do to make a positive difference in Washington, I gave you the first component of a compelling vision: having a significant purpose. The second aspect of a compelling vision is […]