(This is the ninth installment in my twelve-part blog series A Leadership Vision for America.) In my last post I stated that business and government can’t solve all of America’s problems by themselves. Ideally, our leaders in Washington would involve every sector of society in problem solving. The three sectors encompass nine different domains: The Public […]
What are America’s key national goals?
(This is the sixth installment in my twelve-part blog series A Leadership Vision for America) In the past several weeks, I have gone into detail about the first secret our government leaders need to know to improve our system in Washington: Have a compelling vision. For a compelling vision to endure, all three elements—a significant purpose, […]
Season of Service
In San Diego we’re in the middle of a six-month “Season of Service” movement with businesses, civic agencies, and churches all pitching in with community volunteers to serve others. For years I’ve been dreaming about how we can make San Diego a servant leadership town – how in the near future people will come here […]
Three Leadership Tips for President-Elect Barack Obama
In thinking about the election I came up with three leadership tips for President-Elect Obama, and they all focus on in him modeling servant leadership. The country is in desperate need of a servant leader as President. This is a President who thinks of the country first and himself second. The first tip has to do with […]
Here is another interesting article… who do you think can lead during a time of ‘daunting’ Challenges?
Ken Blanchard Coauthor of iconic bestseller The One Minute Manager® Groundbreaking works translated into 42 languages — more than 20,000,000 copies sold Amazon’s Hall of Fame – Top 25 best selling authors