We’ve all seen the image of the ripples created when a pebble is tossed into a pool of still water. The ripples radiate out in ever bigger circles—all from that tiny pebble. In a sense we’re all like that pebble. Our words and actions—whether positive or negative—ripple out and impact the world around us. I […]
What Businesspeople Can Learn from the Back to School Mentality
Around this time of year, young people are experiencing the deep joy of a fresh start. It’s back to school season and possibility is everywhere! And I’ve got some good news: this sense of possibility isn’t just for students. Anyone can experience the benefits of a fresh start. I once went on a cruise with […]
If You Choose Your Attitude, You Get to Change Your Life for the Better
Does your busy schedule sometimes require you to do one thing when you’d really rather be doing something else, and it leaves you feeling a little grumpy? Once in a while when this happens to me, I think of a story I heard several years ago about the late, great opera singer Beverly Sills. At […]
The Way You Think Can Change Your Life
Lately, I’ve noticed a lot of people engaging in what I call “ain’t it awful” conversations. Believe me, I understand that with things going on like the terror attacks around the world, the controversial Presidential campaigns in the United States, and even the weather, it is easy to slip into a negative mindset. But hand-wringing […]
Rekindle, Reinvigorate, and Recharge—It Works at Any Age
On May 6, I turned 75 years old. In today’s society, most people would be retired at 75—or at least thinking about it. But did you know that the very practice of retirement was designed for the industrial world? During that era, people were physically tired by the time they reached 65 and needed to […]
5 Keys to Connecting With Your People
I was talking with some friends at a recent morning men’s group. Our focus was on the importance of being connected to other people and what it means. We came up with five things we think help you really get connected to others—at work, and in all aspects of life. How would you rate yourself […]
With spring around the corner, I find my mind turning to golf. I love to play golf. I’ve always tried to not take it too seriously and remember that it’s just a game—but I didn’t really love to play until I started to use an approach called NATO golf. In case you haven’t heard of […]
Exercise your right to vote on Tuesday!
I made a trip to Washington, D.C. a few weeks ago. It was a really interesting time to be there—just before a presidential election. I heard a lot of negative statements and a lot of worry about the economy and the election and the state our country is in. So I want to show you […]
My boss acts like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Another big question that I get all the time… What do you do if you have an unpredictable boss—where you never know who’s going to show up? One day he’s upbeat and happy and thinks you’re great, and the next day you feel like you’re dealing with an ogre. I suggest two things: The first […]
Full Steam Ahead! – Jesse Stoner on the 2nd Element of Vision